What Bath Bomb Molds Work The Best?
Bath bombs have changed the way people enjoy their baths ever since they were created in 1989 by Mo Constantine It is nearly impossible to just try one bath bomb and be satisfied. They are that amazing and relaxing. The erratic fizz from the bath bomb dancing in your bath gives off an electric array of colors that is accompanied by essential oils that will rejuvenate your mind, body and soul and also bring about a sensational aroma. There is truly no words to describe how it feels while bathing with bath bombs. One will just have to experience it for themselves. But these amazing bath essentials wouldn't be what they are without the molds that shape them.
Without molds bath bombs would just be a bunch of ingredients mixed together in a pile like wet sand. With bath bomb molds, the bath bombs come to life and create whatever shape and size you heart desires.
Bath bombs are simple combinations of dry substances and wet substances that when mixed togethers and placed inside water can cause a marvelous reaction that makes any bath entertaining and relaxing.
How to Make Bath Bombs
When it comes to making bath bombs it can be one of the most exciting and creative things you have ever done. Making bath bombs is as simple as mixing citric acid and baking soda with essential oils and color. The citric acid and baking soda combination reacts when placed in water, which produces carbon dioxide gas which causes the water to fizz or bubble. At first glance, this may seem boring, but there are so may bath bomb recipes out there that you can experiment with your creativity for as long as you want.
Bath Bomb Molds
These creative inventions wouldn’t be what they are today without the bath bomb molds that shape them. You can sift through the entire internet, read articles related to bath bombs, and they will all take you to bath bomb molds. Bath bomb molds are crafted metal, silicone or plastic materials that give shape to your bath bomb mixtures.
Clear Round Plastic Bath Bomb Molds
These molds come in many shapes and sizes. It all depends on the bath bombs you are wanting to make. Bath bomb molds are used the same way regardless of the design. Spherical bath bomb molds are the most common ones you will find. You simply pack your mixture into the mold firmly with your hands. Compress the mixture and release it from the mold. Once you have taken the bath bomb out, let it sit for a couple hours.
Aluminum, Silicone and Stainless Steel Bath Bomb Molds
Silicone molds are great because they are durable, affordable and come in many different shapes compared to steel and plastic molds. They are also more durable, and will essentially never break or crack. A plastic mold is more likely to break than a steel mold because it is weaker. This type of mold is generally less expensive we ell. If you have a limited budget, you may want to consider investing in plastic molds. Stainless steel molds will always be stronger and last longer.
Searching online for molds is always going to be much easier than going store to store. You can utilize some of the household items that you may have as substitutes for bath bomb molds, but make sure they work before mass producing.
Below are some of the most common household items that make great bath bomb molds:
Alternative Bath Bomb Molds:
Ice Cube Trays: Easy for molding bath bombs and who doesn't have one. The best part is that you can mold as many as a dozen at once.
Cookie Cutters: Cookie cutters are also perfect substitutes for bath bomb molds. To use them, put the bath bomb mixture into it and fill it up, then smooth and level it. Leave it for a couple of hours to set then gently remove the cookie cutter. This is an amazing thing to use because cookie cutters come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Measuring Spoons: You can use measuring spoons as molds to make small bath bombs. Simply put the mixture into the measuring spoon and fill it up. Use your fingers to compress it and tap it out by hitting the back of the spoon.
Muffin Tins: Using Muffin tins always creates beautiful bath bombs. You can use whichever size you want and create as many as a dozen at a time.
Milk Caps and Beverage Caps: The caps of milk and beverages can also replace bath bomb molds at home. The next time you finish consuming milk and beverages, save your lids, rinse them out and get ready. Then pack the mixture into the caps like you would do a regular bath bomb mold.
Picking The Perfect Mold
There are so many different types, shapes and sizes of bath bomb molds, how do you choose the right one? The choice of mold can make a big difference in your bath bomb so choosing the right bath bomb mold is important.
There are so many shapes and sizes of molds out there, depending on the recipe you want to follow. The more detailed and complex the shape and design is, the tougher it will be to keep it together when out of the mold.
There is simple rules for bath bomb molds. Make them too small and they lose their appeal. Too big, and they don’t hold their shape well enough and crack. Go for mid-sized molds.
A good bath bomb mold should consist of two parts or two halves. This is a very important aspect of mold design because it does not only allow for easy bath bomb molding, but it gives a more professional appearance.
Bath bomb molds are KEY for the creation of bath bombs. Just as a light needs electricity, making bath bombs would be a lot easier with the help of bath bombs molds.
Head over to Bubbly Belle to order some of our one-of-a-kind bath bombs.