The Top Three Things You Need To Know About Bath Bombs

The Top Three Things You Need To Know About Bath Bombs

Have you ever worried about whether or not the bath bombs you’re using are safe? Bath bombs are so popular these days, but there are concerns about the safety of some bath bombs. Kayla Mackie, Product Safety Investigator at, shares her insight with 5 Minutes for Mom into bath bomb safety. 

I’m sure you’ve heard, or maybe dabbled in, what seems to be the hottest bath trend to date—bath bombs. Appealing to the eyes and nose, they’re pretty much a sensory explosion. Coming in an array of psychedelic colors, they’re known to be the key component when it comes to a relaxing bath time experience. However, as beautiful as they are on the outside, for some bath bombs, what’s on the inside might cause health risks.

Luckily we don’t have to kick our trendy habit.

Here are 3 tips to keep in mind when it comes to choosing the safest bath bomb.

1. Check the ingredient label
First things first, if the ingredient label is filled with unpronounceable words, it might not good for you. You also need to be aware of the sneak attack words. You know, the ones that look familiar and sound nice, but really they could be the most toxic ingredient in the product… Like fragrance. Who knew something that smelled so glorious could be so gruesome?

Consumers can’t rely on these labels since the FDA doesn’t require companies to disclose the chemicals that fragrances are made up of. A few of the major components of fragrance to look out for are benzene derivatives, aldehydes, and phthalates. There are concerns that these petrochemicals could cause serious health problems.

Another familiar word that may show up on the ingredient label is talc or talcum powder. It’s the component that gives the product it’s chalk-like feel. If you’ve been keeping up with the news recently, you may have heard about the link between talc and ovarian cancer. This isn’t something us women want to be soaking our lady parts in!

Speaking of things not to soak our lady parts in, glitter is another ingredient that we should be aware of. Many bath bombs contain glitter or a vegetable oil based lusture. Glitter is made from tiny pieces of plastic and is known to cause irritations to the skin. If this ingredient can cause irritations to the skin, you can only imagine what it would cause to your pH balanced vagina after one too many soaks.

You can read more information about some of the nasty ingredients found in certain bath bombs here.

2. Opt for natural additives
Try to stay away from the fluorescent, shimmery bath bombs. These bath bombs most likely contain artificial dyes that might cause allergy related issues.

Try to scope out bath bombs that say they’re made with substances like natural essential oils, coconut oil, cocoa butter and fresh lavender.

Not only do these natural additives reduce health risks, you can choose certain essential oil combinations that may help certain mental or physical illnesses.

Eucalyptus and peppermint oils are great to combat cold and flu like symptoms by opening up the respiratory system. If you’re looking to wind down after a stressful day, using a bath bomb with lavender and frankincense essential oils will do the trick.

While lavender is known to provide calmness to the mind and body, frankincense will leave you feeling at peace and relaxed to the max. And for the bath bomb lovers with dehydrated skin, opt for the bath bombs that contain cocoa butter. These bombs will leave you with the silky skin you were dreaming of. When using bath bombs that contain natural additives, your mind should be at ease knowing you’re not lounging in a tub of toxins.

3. Don’t be shy to DIY
The safest (but not always prettiest) option to consider when deciding which bath bomb is best for you, is to make your own!

Most of the natural ingredients you’ll need can be found in your kitchen cabinet. Like baking soda, cornstarch, almond or coconut oil and good ol’ H2O. The benefit of making your own bath bomb is the knowing what and exactly how much of certain ingredients go into the finished product.

If you’ve totally been turned off by all things bath bombs after reading this, don’t worry! There are other alternatives to ensure a safe, relaxing bath time experience. To set the mood, turn the lights off and light some candles. Use incense to secure that relaxed, calm feeling and scent. There are even submersible LED lights that can illuminate the bath from below. The possibilities are almost endless if you’re creative and willing to try new things.

By keeping the safety tips listed above in mind and knowing what other options are out there, we can make baths safe again!

Head over to Bubbly Belle to order some of our one-of-a-kind bath bombs.

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