Various Ways To Wrap Bath Bombs In Time For Christmas
Do you need to know ‘How to Wrap a Bath Bomb’? So you have made your bomb, and whether you want to dress it for sale, wrap as a gift or for freshness you want to know either how to wrap it, or what to wrap it in. perhaps you are looking for new ideas on wrapping a bath bomb.
Things you may need to wrap a bath bomb
- Shrink Wrap
- Cling Film
- Ribbons
- Stickers
- Foil
- Paper bags
- Tissue paper
- Brown paper
- Labels
- Boxes
- Gift bags
The list could go on and on, but one of the above or a combination of the above items will provide you with enough materials to not only wrap your bath bomb but prepare it for shipping if required.
I like the ideas with the shrink wrap, ribbon and labels that I found.
You may make bath bombs for fun or for business. Either way at some point you are going to want to present one nicely as a gift or a sale
I aim to answer every possible question on bath bomb wrapping in this article. So let’s get stuck in.
Shrink Wrap a Bath Bomb
Shrink wrap is a simple plastic product that contracts with heat. You find it on all manner of packaging from stationary to foodstuff. Shrink wrap is literally everywhere. Why? because it’s easy. Simply place around your bath bomb, heat with a hairdryer, it shrinks and seals the bath bomb.
What Different Types of Shrink Wrap Can I Use to Wrap Bath Bombs?
You really only need one but the types that would be suitable for wrapping a bath bomb are..
- Centerfold Shrink Wrap
- Shrink Sleeves
- Shrink Wrap Bags
The most convenient for wrapping your bath bomb is going to be #3 – Shrink Wrap Bags.
As you would expect they are sealed on 3 sides, with an opening to place your bomb inside. Ideally, you would seal the bag and then heat to shrink.
Is Shrink Wrap the same as Cling Film?
No, both products do what they say they do, shrink wrap shrinks, cling film clings. Add heat to cling film and it becomes even stretchier. Try to stretch shrink wrap and it will tear. Definitely two different things for different purposes.
Where Can I Buy Shrink Wrap?
You can purchase shrink wrap quite easily and inexpensively from Amazon. 200 Shrink Wrap nags would be pretty cheap, or if you are looking at using many more, any number can be purchased, up to wholesale in the thousands.
What Temperature does Shrink Wrap Shrink At?
You don’t really need to get technical with the heating optimum for shrink wrap. A hairdryer on the hot setting will do the job. If you are desperate to know, shrink wrap will shrink above 250 degrees F, it can melt at 350 and will begin to burn shortly after that.
As I say, keep it simple and shrink your shrink wrap with a hairdryer.
What is Shrink Wrap Made of?
I’m afraid it’s a polymer plastic. The worlds biggest enemy. If you can avoid using shrink wrap, the environment will thank you
Wrap a Bath Bomb in Tissue Paper
This is a really presentable way to wrap a bath bomb.
Just in case there is any confusion though, we are not talking toilet tissue paper here, we are talking packaging tissue paper! Wrapping Tissue if you like!
You wouldn’t get far using wrapping tissue in the toilet. On the other hand, you might get too far!
Just in case. you never know!
Very thin, translucent tissue paper is used for all types of wrapping purposes but is especially effective for gift wrapping
You can get tissue paper in any number of colors. This allows you to match the mood of the presentation you are looking for. Maybe you are looking to match your loved one or friends favorite color.
Tissue paper works really well as a base in small boxes or gift bags. You can even combine a couple of colors of tissue paper. One color for the base, a contrasting color to wrap the bath bomb.
Just use your imagination.
Tissue paper is a great product to wrap your bath bomb in and is much better for the planet than plastic.
How to Gift Wrap a Bath Bomb
This is where you can let your imagination run wild.
Depending on the season, the occasion or event, you can wrap a bath bomb in a million and one ways as a gift.
Wedding Bath Bombs
For weddings, they can be tied in net favor bags, with dried flowers, tied off with ribbon. All you need is either the job of creating the favors or inside knowledge of the color scheme.
Bath Bomb Milkshake
A great example is the Starbucks type takeaway smoothie cup, These are ideal for mini bath bombs.
Drop half a dozen in the cup, top off with shredded tissue paper or better still a bath scrunchy. Finish by throwing in a color coordinated bio-degradable straw. Brilliant!
Classic Olde Worlde Bath Bomb Wrap.
I mentioned brown paper earlier. This gives a classic look with the classically styled box and multicolored labels for a bath bomb variety box.
This packaging has a really classic and up-market look.
Christmas Bath Bomb Theme.
These assorted sized, plain white bath Bombs have been used to create a snowman. On this occasion, no more than some clear plastic wrap and a small bow is required to show these bath bombs off.
Quite often the creative design of your bath bomb will leave you wanted to use the wrapping as part of the final look.
These bath bomb snowmen are a perfect example of that in practice. Great Job!
Window Display Box – Classy!
I’m not sure how much I like this bath bomb wrapping design. It has great potential but in this particular image, maybe the color contrasts are a little insipid.
You can see the potential though. You can go for these neutral colors for a classy look, but the option of a more colorful combination can produce a fun look.
The choice is yours.
Wrapping Bath Bombs for Shipping
The occasion may arise where you are perhaps producing and selling DIY Bath Bombs from home.
You take orders and need to ship your orders out, to third-party mail or package handlers. The moment those bombs leave your side, they are in the hands of someone who doesn’t quite have the same pride in them as you or the concern of how they will look when they arrive.
You want them in tip-top condition to get a review like this one from your customer.
You need to make those fragile bath bombs of beauty as secure for transit as possible.
Use a sturdy box where possible
A box is plainly the way to go. Ensure it is more than big enough to accommodate the number of bath bombs you need to ship. The more space the better in all honesty.
The more space around the bombs, the more room for packaging to fill the gaps. Give them a nice, comfortable supported onward journey to your customer. They need to arrive in the perfect condition they leave you.
Personally, I would start with lining the box with Bubble Wrap.
Wrapping your bombs also in bubble wrap. Just the once round would be enough.
Line the box with some tissue paper, scrunch it a little. it will add nothing to the padding but will look a little nice on arrival.
Place you bath bombs in the box, and fill the gaps with packing peanuts. You know those little bits of polystyrene.
Add some more bubble wrap on top. A bit more tissue paper to greet your customer on opening. Close the box, seal tightly and carefully. Viola! Your bath bombs are packed and ready for shipping.
Head over to Bubbly Belle to order some of our one-of-a-kind bath bombs.