Teens Love For Bath Bombs Is The New Trendy Thing

Teens Love For Bath Bombs Is The New Trendy Thing

Many people look at taking baths as a luxurious experience, but the recent comeback of the bath bomb is making it even more popular.

Originally invented by Mo Constantine of Lush Cosmetics in 1989, the bath bomb combines natural ingredients, aromatherapy and vibrant colors to deliver a tranquil and luxurious bath experience to the user. The bomb fizzes when placed in the bath, altering the color of the water and emitting a pleasant aroma. Though originally created by Lush in the late ’80s, many other brands of bath bombs have appeared since then.

Recently bath bombs have been making a major comeback. While famous on social media for their aesthetic appeal, bath bombs are amazing for your skin and contain ingredients that act as exfoliants, and also employ certain scents as aromatherapy agents to help you relax and relieve stress.

Springfield High School sophomore Kerri Duzan loves bath bombs, having recently used one for the first time. Kerri said that she received her bath bomb as a gift and loved it. She would “highly recommend them because they’re very refreshing.”

While she doesn’t have a particular favorite color or scent, Kerri prefers the original bath bomb brand, Lush.

“It makes the water turn different colors and smell very nice,” she said, which is her favorite part about using a bath bomb. She credits the rising popularity of bath bombs to “how much of a variety (of bath bombs) there is, and the unique experience it gives a person.”

While many people purchase bath bombs from professional brands, another route to go would be to make one yourself. Southeast High School junior Rhiannon Banter and her friend have embraced the “do it yourself” spirit, by creating their own bath bombs.

“I’ve always seen them and heard of them,” Rhiannon said. “I thought they were really cool, but I don’t really have the money to spend on buying them, so I just decided to make them at home.”

Rhiannon said she fell in love with bath bombs because of “the smells mostly, and the colors are great.” Her favorite part of creating them herself is “getting to choose the colors and the scents, and how to mix them, and with what.” Her favorite color/scent combination is “patchouli mixed with a really light pink and green. It makes the bath kind of an ocean green.”

Rhiannon explained that it takes over 2 hours to make each bath bomb because the salts used require very fine grinding. Also, there’s a long list of ingredients that goes into a bath bomb.

“We made ours with baking soda, Epsom salts, corn starch, cream of tartar, fragrance oils, and food coloring,” she said.

After making each bath bomb, you have to wait about a day for it to dry before it can be used. But each bath bomb is certainly worth the wait.

Rhiannon said that she and her friend have been working on setting up an online store to sell their homemade bath bombs. Until then, though, they have been focusing on selling to people they know.

Whether you pay a visit to a Lush store, make a purchase from local creators like Rhiannon or embrace a challenge and try to make one yourself, investing in a bath bomb is definitely a worthwhile opportunity. Bath bombs have been resurfacing for a reason, with many individuals seeking the relaxation and elegance only bath bombs can offer.

DIY: bath bombs
Ever wanted to make your own bath bombs? Try out this recipe.


  • * 8 ounces of baking soda
  • * 4 ounces of citric acid
  • * 4 ounces of corn starch
  • * 4 ounces of mineral salts
  • * 3/4 tablespoon water
  • * 2 teaspoons of essential or fragrance oil
  • * one or two drops of food coloring


1. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl (preferably glass because it’s nonreactive). Mix until no clumps are left.

2. Blend the wet ingredients in a separate container.

3. Slowly add small amounts of the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk together. If the mixture starts to foam, you’re adding the liquid to fast. With the wet and dry ingredients together, it should have the consistency of wet sand.

4. Put the mixture into your chosen molds — you can use anything from muffin tins to ice cube trays or candy molds.

5. Once the mixture is molded, let them dry for up to 48 hours. Once they’re completely dry, store in an airtight container.

Head over to Bubbly Belle to order some of our one-of-a-kind bath bombs.

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